Sunday, May 3, 2009

Yucca! Yucca! Yucca!

Now, that's a great desert cheer for a cub scout! and for me! I'm our ward's new cubmaster. I'm looking forward to great fun working with our wolf/bear den and our webelos den. I remember P. Huff was my cubmaster and he always did great pack meetings; like the time we rode a bucking bronco, had our picture with a life size famous cowboy: John Wayne, pinewood derbies and .... I have a lot to live up to! Mom's the Primary counselor over Primary so I bet I'll be trained in record time and put right to work! Yucca! Yucca! Yucca! And here's to more dumb/funny cub scout jokes, cheers and activities!


Grammyzanne said...

Oh Brent what great fun is ahead for you and your cubs - and their parents and siblings!!! Do get trained and then let your imagination soar! There really is a strong connection between cub scouting and priesthood preparation. Cub Scouting just covers it with fun.

I think there are two guiding principals in Cub Scouting:
If it's not for the boys it's for the birds.
The mind can absorb only what the seat can endure.
Make that three:
KISMIF (Keep It Simple: Make It Fun)

A-one anda two and a Yabba Dabba Do!!

Austin's Mommy said...

Fun stuff. Mike (my Mike) is the 11 year old scout leader of our ward and he loves it.

Tamara Robertson Turner said...

That sounds like a fun calling! Have fun!