Sunday, May 24, 2009

New Cubmaster

I went to my first Cub Scout Roundtable this month and got some pretty good info. First of all, I've got to change my scout shirt from being a scout to being a leader! Hmmmmm. My first pack meeting was last Thursday and the theme (they swapped months) was Jurassic Pack. Mom and I worked a lot on getting it all together. I wore an old hat and took my pick to be a paleontologist. We had a game where the boys put on dinosaur paw covered cereal boxes over their feet and had to carry and egg on a spoon. The parents were cracking up. Besides other things, we had a volcano cake erupt with dry ice and egg whites. It didn't work too well because the beaten eggs whites had sat around too long! But the boys loved it. I showed them things to do with dry ice after the pack meeting was over. The boys loved that (and some parents too!). One cub suggested putting the dry ice and water in a balloon to inflate it - so of course, I did that as soon as we got home!


Michael said...

From what I hear, the boy's really enjoyed the Pack Meeting. You're doing a great job, Brent!

Grammyzanne said...

Now THAT was a pack meeting. Parents and cubs involved and everyone having fun. And yes you do need to get some blue loops on that shirt and swap a few badges. Your boys and their families are blessed to have you as their cubmaster.

Austin's Mommy said...

And how did the balloon work out?

Joanne said...

Great! I didn't put enough water in the balloon with the dry ice and so it didn't expand as big as I had imagined. I was going to take the rest of the dry ice with me to Phoenix and make homemade root beer there - but it all sublimated in our freezer before I even left.

Joanne said...

Whoops - that last comment should have read Brent's name - not Joanne!