Sunday, March 8, 2009

Making a Lizst, Checking it Twice

I don't know what got into me! Mom and I were just talking and I told her how much I liked a piece I heard in my music humanities class. It's Franz Lizst's LaCampanella. So, I looked it up online so I could play it for Mom. Pretty cool. I read more about in on Wikipedia and found a place to print up the original piano piece. La Campanella turns out to be 9 pages out of a 42 page piece. It is a very challenging piece but I have page one almost down pat. I do my usual technique of looking for patterns to memorize instead of reading the music each time. I'm practicing it at home and even at the institute while waiting for class. This is a great hobby. I think I'll even try to learn the whole 42 pages -that's a page a week! And as Mom always says, "Practice makes perfect!" You'll have to check back with me in a month or so and see if I'm still progressing.


Grammyzanne said...

Perfect practice makes perfect. Enjoy the challenge and the pleasure.

Grammyzanne said...

Clever title btw

Jocelyn Robertson said...

Ha ha, Mom spilled the beans before I could. Great post! I love the title. So witty!

Tamara Robertson Turner said...

That sounds like fun! That also sound like Mom: a page a week. : )